Welcome to Indigenous Futures in Engineering, Queen's University


Environmental engineering - wind turbines

Role Model(s)


Being an environmental engineer means that you have to work very hard to find ways to keep our lakes clean, our forests green, and our air pure.

Environmental engineers can:

  • Monitor mercury levels in fish
  • Invent alternative, non-polluting energy technologies like wind power
  • Look at ways to reduce toxic emissions from big factories
  • Design methods to quickly clean up oil spills in the ocean
In your community: 

The fundamental capacity for a culture to survive is directly related to its relationship with the Earth. A culture which abandons the Earth, abandons itself and its future.

Unfortunately, many Aboriginal communities are familiar with the effects of environmental disasters brought about by mining, contaminated water and power production. Aboriginal environmental engineers would be well-placed to negotiate clean-up operations and to oversee new activities in the region which are potentially harmful to the community.

Aboriginal peoples all over the world share the belief that the Earth is our mother; that we are a part of the Earth and the Earth is a part of us. This belief has lead to a deep and respectful relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the planet. Traditional practices in all areas of life, including hunting, fishing, agriculture and community management, account for this relationship. Aboriginal peoples have a long history of what could be called environmental science and engineering and a huge potential to contribute to the future.


If you like...

  • Nature and animals
  • Problem solving
  • Being creative
  • Making a difference
  • Communicating with others
  • Helping others

...you might enjoy Environmental Engineering


Environmental engineering is a four-year program, often offered as an option in either chemical or civil engineering departments. If you want to study environmental engineering you can go to the following universities:

Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada

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