Welcome to Indigenous Futures in Engineering, Queen's University


naval engineering

Naval architecture and Ocean engineers design ships and other marine vehicles.


Naval architecture engineers are involved in applying the scientific principles of engineering and design to everything involved with the ocean, and other large bodies of water.

Naval architecture and ocean engineers use their knowledge and design everything that works in or is beside the ocean and other large bodies of water.

They can:

  • Manage offshore oil drilling platforms
  • Design ships strong enough to survive giant waves
  • Oversee the installation of fiber optic cables across the ocean floor
  • Create submarines and other underwater vehicles to explore the ocean floor

In your community: 

Naval engineers can build better boats for fisherman in your community who have to travel long distances on the water in order to find good fish. 

If you like...

  • Problem solving
  • Being creative
  • The ocean
  • Protecting the environment
  •  Working with tools
  • Helping people

...then you might like Naval Architecture or Ocean Engineering!

Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada

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